Project IGI is very famous and tricky all over the is un only on pc but nowadays everything of pc can be run as well as your android mobile phones .you can easily install IGI on your android phones. you played the game many times in your pc but now the IGI game is in your pocket at any time you can play. we recommended you to have high ram and high graphics on your android phone. because the game is heavy that’s the phone must be right.

About project IGI game.

Project IGI has many missions after complete ones than it refers to the next mission .now you can play the game unlimited on your mobile phones. the game is developed by David Jones and team.lunched first android version .now the lovers of the game can play and enjoy it.

Features of Project IGI:

Ø  Now you can easily play the game in your android phones

Ø  You can boost up your gaming skills by playing the game on your android

Ø  The game is totally the same as your pc

Ø  You can get unlimited weapons and health

Ø  You can play the game with multiple players or single also

Ø  The high-quality graphics and clear background can entrust you to play the game

How to install project IGI on your phone